
Data on Nations and States

List of World Countries

Country NameISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 CodeISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 CodeAdmin Levels
AfghanistanAFAFGLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Districts
AlbaniaALALBLevel 1 - Counties
Level 2 - Municipalities
AlgeriaDZDZALevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Communes
American SamoaASASMLevel 1 - Districts
Level 2 - Counties
Level 3 - Villages
AndorraADANDLevel 1 - Parishes
AngolaAOAGOLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Municipalities
Level 3 - Communes
AnguillaAIAIALevel 1 - Districts
Antigua and BarbudaAGATGLevel 1 - Parishes
ArgentinaARARGLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Departments
ArmeniaAMARMLevel 1 - Provinces
ArubaAWABWLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Zones
AustraliaAUAUSLevel 1 - States
Level 2 - Local Government Areas
AustriaATAUTLevel 1 - States
Level 2 - Districts
Level 3 - Municipalities
AzerbaijanAZAZELevel 1 - Districts
BahamasBSBHSLevel 1 - Districts
BahrainBHBHRLevel 1 - Governorates
Level 2 - Constituencies
BangladeshBDBGDLevel 1 - Divisions
Level 2 - Zilas
Level 3 - Upazilas
BarbadosBBBRBLevel 1 - Parishes
BelarusBYBLRLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Districts
BelgiumBEBELLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Provinces
Level 3 - Arrondissements
Level 4 - Communes
BelizeBZBLZLevel 1 - Districts
Level 2 - Constituencies
BeninBJBENLevel 1 - Departements
Level 2 - Communes
BermudaBMBMULevel 1 - Parishes
BhutanBTBTNLevel 1 - Districts
BoliviaBOBOLLevel 1 - Departments
Level 2 - Provinces
Level 3 - Municipalities
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and SabaBQBES
Bosnia and HerzegovinaBABIHLevel 1 - Federal Entities
Level 2 - Cantons
Level 3 - Municipalities
BotswanaBWBWALevel 1 - Districts
Bouvet IslandBVBVT
BrazilBRBRALevel 1 - States
Level 2 - Municipalities
British Indian Ocean TerritoryIOIOT
British Virgin IslandsVGVGBLevel 1 - District
Brunei DarussalamBNBRNLevel 1 - Daerahs
Level 2 - Mukims
BulgariaBGBGRLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Municipalities
Burkina FasoBFBFALevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Provinces
Level 3 - Departments
BurundiBIBDILevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Communes
Cabo VerdeCVCPVLevel 1 - Islands
Level 2 - Municipalites
Level 3 - Parishes
CambodiaKHKHMLevel 1 - Provinces
CameroonCMCMRLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Departements
Level 3 - Arrondissements
CanadaCACANLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Census Divisions
Cayman IslandsKYCYMLevel 1 - Districts
Central African RepublicCFCAFLevel 1 - Prefectures
Level 2 - Sub-Prefectures
ChadTDTCDLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Departements
ChileCLCHLLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Regions
Level 3 - Communes
ChinaCNCHNLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Prefectures
Level 3 - Counties
Christmas IslandCXCXR
Cocos (Keeling) IslandsCCCCK
ColombiaCOCOLLevel 1 - Departments
Level 2 - Municipalities
ComorosKMCOMLevel 1 - Iles
Cook IslandsCKCOK
Costa RicaCRCRILevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Cantons
Level 3 - Districts
CroatiaHRHRVLevel 1 - Counties
Level 2 - Municipalities
CubaCUCUBLevel 1 - Provincias
Level 2 - Municipios
CyprusCYCYPLevel 1 - Districts
Level 2 - Communities
CzechiaCZCZELevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Districts
Côte d'IvoireCICIVLevel 1 - Districts
Level 2 - Regions
Level 3 - Departements
Democratic Republic of the CongoCDCODLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Territories
DenmarkDKDNKLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Kommunes
DjiboutiDJDJILevel 1 - Regions
DominicaDMDMALevel 1 - Parishes
Dominican RepublicDODOMLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Municipalities
EcuadorECECULevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Cantons
EgyptEGEGYLevel 1 - Governates
Level 2 - Marakiz
El SalvadorSVSLVLevel 1 - Departamentos
Level 2 - Municipalities
Equatorial GuineaGQGNQLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Provinces
EritreaERERILevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Subregions
EstoniaEEESTLevel 1 - Counties
Level 2 - Municipalities
EswatiniSZSWZLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Tinkhundla
EthiopiaETETHLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Zones
Falkland IslandsFKFLK
Faroe IslandsFOFROLevel 1 - Municipalities
FijiFJFJILevel 1 - Divisions
Level 2 - Provinces
FinlandFIFINLevel 1 - Region
Level 2 - Sub-Region
Level 3 - Municipalites
FranceFRFRALevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Departements
Level 3 - Arrondissements
Level 4 - Cantons
Level 5 - Communes
French GuianaGFGUFLevel 1 - Arrondissements
Level 2 - Communes
French PolynesiaPFPYFLevel 1 - Islands
Level 2 - Communes
French Southern TerritoriesTFATF
GabonGAGABLevel 1 - Provinces
GambiaGMGMBLevel 1 - Local Government Areas
Level 2 - Districts
GeorgiaGEGEOLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Municipalities
GermanyDEDEULevel 1 - States
Level 2 - Districts
GhanaGHGHALevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Districts
GreeceGRGRCLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Municipalities
GreenlandGLGRLLevel 1 - Communes
GrenadaGDGRDLevel 1 - Parishes
GuadeloupeGPGLPLevel 1 - Arrondissements
Level 2 - Communes
GuamGUGUMLevel 1 - Villages
GuatemalaGTGTMLevel 1 - Departaments
Level 2 - Municipios
GuernseyGGGGYLevel 1 - Parishes
GuineaGNGINLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Prefectures
Level 3 - Sous Prefectures
Guinea-BissauGWGNBLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Sectors
GuyanaGYGUYLevel 1 - Regions
HaitiHTHTILevel 1 - Departements
Level 2 - Arrondissements
Level 3 - Communes
Heard Island and McDonald IslandsHMHMD
HondurasHNHNDLevel 1 - Municipios
Level 2 - Departaments
Hong KongHKHKGLevel 1 - Districts
HungaryHUHUNLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Counties
Level 3 - Districts
Level 4 - Towns
IcelandISISLLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Municipalities
IndiaININDLevel 1 - States
Level 2 - Districts
Level 3 - Subdistricts
IndonesiaIDIDNLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Regencies
IranIRIRNLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Counties
IraqIQIRQLevel 1 - Governorates
Level 2 - Districts
IrelandIEIRLLevel 1 - Counties
Isle of ManIMIMNLevel 1 - Sheadings
Level 2 - Districts
IsraelILISRLevel 1 - Districts
Level 2 - Sub-Regions
ItalyITITALevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Provinces
Level 3 - Communes
JamaicaJMJAMLevel 1 - Parishes
Level 2 - Constituencies
JapanJPJPNLevel 1 - Prefectures
Level 2 - Municipalities
JerseyJEJEYLevel 1 - Parishes
JordanJOJORLevel 1 - Governates
Level 2 - Districts
Level 3 - Sub-Districts
KazakhstanKZKAZLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Districts
KenyaKEKENLevel 1 - Counties
Level 2 - Constituencies
KiribatiKIKIRLevel 1 - Islands
Level 2 - Divisions
KuwaitKWKWTLevel 1 - Governorates
Level 2 - Areas
KyrgyzstanKGKGZLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Districts
LaosLALAOLevel 1 - Province
Level 2 - District
LatviaLVLVALevel 1 - Municipalities
LebanonLBLBNLevel 1 - Governates
Level 2 - Districts
LesothoLSLSOLevel 1 - Districts
LiberiaLRLBRLevel 1 - Counties
Level 2 - Districts
LibyaLYLBYLevel 1 - Provinces
LiechtensteinLILIELevel 1 - Communes
LithuaniaLTLTULevel 1 - Counties
Level 2 - Municipalities
LuxembourgLULUXLevel 1 - Cantons
Level 2 - Communes
MacaoMOMACLevel 1 - Parishes
MadagascarMGMDGLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Districts
MalawiMWMWILevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Districts
MalaysiaMYMYSLevel 1 - States
Level 2 - Districts
MaldivesMVMDVLevel 1 - Atoll
MaliMLMLILevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Cercles
MaltaMTMLTLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Local Councils
Marshall IslandsMHMHLLevel 1 - Municipalities
MartiniqueMQMTQLevel 1 - Arrondissements
Level 2 - Communes
MauritaniaMRMRTLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Departments
MauritiusMUMUSLevel 1 - Districts
MayotteYTMYTLevel 1 - Communes
MexicoMXMEXLevel 1 - States
Level 2 - Municipalities
MicronesiaFMFSMLevel 1 - States
MoldovaMDMDALevel 1 - District2
MonacoMCMCOLevel 1 - Quartiers
MongoliaMNMNGLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Districts
MontenegroMEMNELevel 1 - municipalities
MontserratMSMSRLevel 1 - Parishes
MoroccoMAMARLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Provinces
MozambiqueMZMOZLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Districts
MyanmarMMMMRLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Districts
Level 3 - Wards
NamibiaNANAMLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Constituencies
NauruNRNRULevel 1 - Districts
NepalNPNPLLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Districts
Level 3 - Municipalities
NetherlandsNLNLDLevel 1 - Province
Level 2 - Municipality
New CaledoniaNCNCLLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Communes
New ZealandNZNZLLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Districts
NicaraguaNINICLevel 1 - Departments
Level 2 - Municipalities
NigerNENERLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Departements
NigeriaNGNGALevel 1 - States
Level 2 - Local government Areas
NiueNUNIULevel 1 - Villages
Norfolk IslandNFNFKLevel 1 - Districts
North KoreaKPPRKLevel 1 - Provinces
North MacedoniaMKMKDLevel 1 - Municipalities
Northern Mariana IslandsMPMNPLevel 1 - Municipalities
NorwayNONORLevel 1 - Counties
Level 2 - Municipalities
OmanOMOMNLevel 1 - Governates
Level 2 - Districts
PakistanPKPAKLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Zillahs
PalauPWPLWLevel 1 - States
PalestinePSPSELevel 1 - Governates
PanamaPAPANLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Districts
Papua New GuineaPGPNGLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Provinces
Level 3 - Districts
ParaguayPYPRYLevel 1 - Departamentos
Level 2 - Distritos
PeruPEPERLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Provinces
Level 3 - Districts
PhilippinesPHPHLLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Provinces
Level 3 - Municipal Cities
Pitcairn IslandsPNPCN
PolandPLPOLLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Counties
PortugalPTPRTLevel 1 - Districts
Level 2 - Municipalities
Puerto RicoPRPRILevel 1 - Municipios
Level 2 - Barrios
QatarQAQATLevel 1 - Municipalities
Level 2 - Zones
Republic of the CongoCGCOGLevel 1 - Departements
RomaniaROROULevel 1 - Counties
Level 2 - Communes
Russian FederationRURUSLevel 1 - Federal Districts
Level 2 - Federal Subjects
Level 3 - Raioni
RwandaRWRWALevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Districts
Level 3 - Sectors
RéunionREREULevel 1 - Arrondissements
Level 2 - Communes
Saint BarthélemyBLBLMLevel 1 - Communes
Saint Helena, Ascension Island and Tristan da CunhaSHSHN
Saint Kitts and NevisKNKNALevel 1 - Parishes
Saint LuciaLCLCALevel 1 - Districts
Saint MartinMFMAF
Saint Pierre and MiquelonPMSPMLevel 1 - Communes
Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesVCVCTLevel 1 - Parishes
SamoaWSWSMLevel 1 - Districts
San MarinoSMSMRLevel 1 - Municipalities
Sao Tome and PrincipeSTSTPLevel 1 - Districts
Saudi ArabiaSASAULevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Governorates
SenegalSNSENLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Departements
SerbiaRSSRBLevel 1 - Districts
Level 2 - Municipalities
SeychellesSCSYCLevel 1 - Districts
Sierra LeoneSLSLELevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Districts
Level 3 - Chiefdoms
SingaporeSGSGPLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Planning Areas
Level 3 - Subzones
Sint MaartenSXSXMLevel 1 - Districts
SlovakiaSKSVKLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Districts
Level 3 - Municipalities
SloveniaSISVNLevel 1 - Municipalities
Solomon IslandsSBSLBLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Wards
SomaliaSOSOMLevel 1 - Regions
South AfricaZAZAFLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Districts
Level 3 - Municipalities
South Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsGSSGS
South KoreaKRKORLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Counties
South SudanSSSSDLevel 1 - States
SpainESESPLevel 1 - Communities
Level 2 - Provinces
Level 3 - Municipalities
Sri LankaLKLKALevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Districts
SudanSDSDNLevel 1 - Governates
SurinameSRSURLevel 1 - Districts
Level 2 - Resorts
Svalbardand and Jan MayenSJSJM
SwedenSESWELevel 1 - Counties
Level 2 - Municipalities
SwitzerlandCHCHELevel 1 - Cantons
Level 2 - Districts
Level 3 - Municipalities
SyriaSYSYRLevel 1 - Governates
Level 2 - Districts
TaiwanTWTWNLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Counties
TajikistanTJTJKLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Districts
TanzaniaTZTZALevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Districts
ThailandTHTHALevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Districts
Timor-LesteTLTLSLevel 1 - Municipalities
Level 2 - Administrative Post
TogoTGTGOLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Prefectures
TokelauTKTKLLevel 1 - Atolls
TongaTOTONLevel 1 - Divisions
Trinidad and TobagoTTTTOLevel 1 - Regions
TunisiaTNTUNLevel 1 - Governates
Level 2 - Districts
TurkeyTRTURLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Districts
TurkmenistanTMTKMLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Districts
Turks and Caicos IslandsTCTCALevel 1 - District
TuvaluTVTUVLevel 1 - Islands
US Virgin IslandsVIVIR
UgandaUGUGALevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Districts
Level 3 - Counties
UkraineUAUKRLevel 1 - Oblasti
Level 2 - Raioni
United Arab EmiratesAEARELevel 1 - Emirates
United KingdomGBGBRLevel 1 - Countries
Level 2 - Counties
Level 3 - Districts
United StatesUSUSALevel 1 - States
Level 2 - Counties
United States Minor Outlying IslandsUMUMI
UruguayUYURYLevel 1 - Departments
UzbekistanUZUZBLevel 1 - Regions
Level 2 - Districts
VanuatuVUVUTLevel 1 - Provinces
VenezuelaVEVENLevel 1 - States
Level 2 - Municipalities
Viet NamVNVNMLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Districts
Wallis and FutunaWFWLFLevel 1 - Royaumes
Western SaharaEHESH
YemenYEYEMLevel 1 - Governates
Level 2 - Districts
ZambiaZMZMBLevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Districts
ZimbabweZWZWELevel 1 - Provinces
Level 2 - Districts
Åland IslandsAXALALevel 1 - Municipalities